The Moon will be new in sidereal Libra on Monday, November 13th at 4:26am, EST (please adjust for your time zone.)  Each month, the New Moon is an assignment from the universe for us to work with for the next 30 days.  This month, we have the opportunity to learn how to respond to unexpected events and situations in a skillful way.

Libra is a place where we seek balance and mutuality of respect in our relationships with others.  The Moon is in Friend dignity here, which gives us a little more than an average amount of emotional intelligence to use in achieving this balance. (Check below to see if the Moon will have an easy time finding balance for your ascendant.  If the Moon is malefic in Libra for your ascendant, it means you need to pay more attention to emotional balance this month.)

The New Moon is taking place in Vishakha Nakshatra, a place where great transformation is possible, but we need to be willing to confront the toxic aspects of ourselves and/or our circumstances in order to achieve this transformation.  Fortunately for us all, this New Moon is taking place in the 2nd pada (section) of Vishakha, which has a rare nature: this pada is ashtamamsa AND pushkara.  What does this mean?  Ashtamamsa means that unexpected circumstances and events are likely to occur this month, which can bring sudden changes to our lives.  Pushkara means that we have a strong potential to heal past wounds and current pain in our lives.  Ashtamamsa and Pushkara rarely occur in the same pada, but they do in this section of Vishakha, where the New Moon gives us the next 30 days to work with this potential.  Be aware that sudden unexpected events may happen, but whatever happens this month contains the potential for healing for every person.  Unexpected things can be jarring and unsettling, but this month each event carries the potential for healing–especially if we commit ourselves to seek healing for ourselves and to be a part of healing for others.

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(The Moon in Libra is benefic for Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer ascendants.

The Moon in Libra is neutral for Libra, Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini, and Leo ascendants.

The Moon in Libra is malefic for Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus, and Virgo ascendants.)