
Birth Chart Reading $135

  • Why are you here at this time?
  • What is the main assignment for you in this lifetime?
  • What are your strengths and how can you maximize them?
  • What are your weaknesses and how can you become stronger in these areas?

Your birth chart reading also includes information about how current planetary transits will impact you in the coming 12 months. You may also select up to three specific questions or three areas of your life to focus on in the reading. (60-90 minutes)

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Relationship Reading $135

  • Would you like to understand more about your relationship?
  • What draws you together?
  • Are there obstacles to your happiness?

This reading will give basic birth reading information to each partner, give you each information about your strengths and vulnerabilities when you’re in any relationship, and give you specific information about your relationship together.  Complete birth information for both partners is required.  Individuals may purchase a relationship reading without including their partner, as long as they provide complete birth information for both parties. (60-90 minutes)

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Single Subject Reading $75

  • If you have already had a birth reading with RaeAnn, you can delve into a single subject in this shorter reading.
  • Do you have questions about your career, an upcoming move, or the best timing for a trip or new project?

A single subject reading can give you insight into your current situation. (30-45 minutes)

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